We are together & will make it through, follow the rules & precautions, sanitise, keep washing hands and wear a mask, follow social distancing are enough to keep COVID at the bay.

Together we can, the only condition is to shun pride, cast colour, creed, destitute or rich, all are indifferent to COVID. Don’t be wise in your own eyes, mend your ways while having time.

Rest, reminisce & embrace positive vibes, we will make it through COVID all together. Think through, COVID proved; life is about things that money can’t buy. The little thing, they are the LIFE, Enjoy them with Gratitude, sharing Love, Joy & Peace.

Hold on to the love of the neighbour, be careful in maintaining social distancing, keep wearing a mask. We all are together in this. Use these tough time to toughen you, embrace solitude, and discern, its not money on which life depends.

The most powerful thing one can do to change the world is to, change self. Change For Better, shun off selfish vibes, be compassionate, selfless, caring for others and be kind, for together we can defeat COVID.

Keep doing the right things the basic of life, contemplate and correct your self, your lifestyle. Follow general guideline, HYGIENIC BEHAVIOR, CLEAN AND HYGIENIC HABITS.

Solitude, a dash of sanity, and a lot of faith, love & hope will make us sail through today & every day. We are people of our choices all begins in our mind, so be strong & indulge in positivity to conceive & create your magic with Mask.

Life happens to us all, all the time, though this time the act of ignorance is prime diabolic. To fight out this COVID we have to act along in the right being together by breaking the chain.

The common thing that connects all humans is the perception of individuals that see the differences embodied as similarities of difference, however, all have a common purpose & that is the Creation.

The Cosmos & The Soul have one ultimate Goal, Purposeful Creation. Let’s come together to create OPTIMISM. Affirm your faith and light up hope.

Research proves the power of people who think positively. It suggests that an optimistic attitude helps us be happier, more successful, and healthier. Optimism can protect against depression, deprived situation, people who are sick or risk of it.

An optimistic outlook makes people more resilient to stress and sickness. Optimism even helps people live longer & establish the strongest fight to win against COVID-19.

Alone we can do so little, together we can even, Defeat #COVID. Jai Ho, Jai ho #India!

Souls tangled in tricolour, Love & Peace,
Together we can beat even COVID.
Not Rajasthani, Bengali or Bihari,
We are one in rhythm & Harmony,
as we cheer, “Jai Ho, Jai Ho INDIA”.

Heartland loaded with love is MP,
Silhouette soaked in Divine Gujrat’s Navratri.
The word that defines us, is not our religion,
What defines is our identity,
” as we cheer, Jai Ho INDIA”.

Crown is “Kashmir”, the anklet is ” locale Indra”,
the seven sisters Holding mother India.
I care for you, you care for me,
We are one in rhythm & Harmony,
as we cheer, “Jai Ho, Jai Ho INDIA”.

Suggested Read; Let, Social Distancing May Not Cause Emotional Distance in Relationships!