Rakhi is a festival, a day when we talk about & celebrate the love among Brothers & Sisters. The day when we Celebrate the Band of Womb.

Rakhi is an Indian Festival that begins, as Sawan ends. And when we say .” RAKHI”, what comes into mind is, “Thali-Rooli & Chandan Ka Teeka”, rakhi a ritual that manifests benevolence with prayers for health, wealth, and long & happy life of our Brothers & Sisters.

A day that does evoke the old memories of childhood, especially for girls who leave their parent’s home post weddings; & especially pay a visit to celebrate this day of brotherly love & harmony.

A day that is powerful enough to push into the mixed feelings of nostalgia & praise for the love of a brother. As I close my eyes recalling the old days, it was always you, the brother who hugged me to bring solace, you who shielded me from the ” Papa & Mommy’s”, agony. Healed me with words to bring peace and brought out of the depressing notions & memories.

Mommy-Daddy when were out at work, the brother who cared for me and my every small activity, that’s the togetherness of brother and me. With Rakhi, we celebrate & live each little, single memory. Connection far above bone and flesh, that eyes can see or hand can touch. A profound feeling, the connection of Soul, Heart blend & if separated the other is never whole.

This is the love of Brother & Sister we celebrate as Rakhi, friends & Lovers may come and go, family stays together forevermore. Unconditional love and Support, Completing my homework notes, negotiating over the candies, To keep me quiet on his excursion with buddies.

Love that, teases sometimes hurts but never shine out fade. The hand is always there to hold, waiting out at school gates. Mommy Papa what said, Holding intact to the values we had, standing strong in all odds.

Now that we’re adults, Still, you are the person I call to when facing a struggle, You keep reminding me of who I was and who I still want to be, Showing me the mirror, the truth others can never see.

That is the Love of Brother & Sister. Coping and complaining, never together still one without other is never complete. Happy Raksha Bandhan to the Best Brothers Ever.
