Being a doctor running a Hospital & a wellness centre a brief reflection hit my heart, they say experience speaks and so is my mind, responded to a narrative ignited of COVID-19.

What I have recognised is, people emphasise on physical appearance and to get a fit appealing body, what not they practice from diet to living, they change everything. 

What is the purpose? Certainly not to just gain a fit body but a complete fit and healthy being you desire. Right?

Well, to get the body in shape and to gain fitness you follow an exercise regime, a disciplined life inculcating healthy eating habits. 

The significance of good health has evolved during the past decade & has driven much attention to changing lifestyle. With globalisation, the influence of technology and the internet in our daily lives, life has changed and so the working style. 

COVID crises have further grilled life, now work is not limited to; nine to five & home means house help, the couch and gadgets. Hours of sitting, no reception of sunshine outdoors are restricted life is under quarantine.  

Call of the time is to exercise the mind too. Fitness is not now just about developing lean or muscular body, attaining elasticity? Pumping heart strong so it can well breath? Yes, apart from this all a strong mind is the first need. 

I have seen many who hit the floor for hours, shedding sweat, paced breaths, burning tons of calories gaining muscles, lean body glow and glory. All that which goes off shatter in seconds, when the things do not happen as per their expectation. The growing glowing body bubble bust due to breaking of bad news. 

A raged loud being, self-centric, focused on purpose that uplift their needs. A healthy body is not necessarily a healthy mind. The body is the appearance & the mind is the inner soul. 

What is your Goal? Having a healthy body or becoming a healthy Being?

Health is a conjunction of mind-body-soul. It’s a long old saying, it all begins in the mind, & so is our health. A healthy mind does lead to a healthy body and a healthy soul.  

What resists you rising high is what you hold inside. A heavy heart is a hurdle. Broken is from where the pain releases and light enters. Shed the weight of suffering and your heart, so your mind and body will go light and you will experience a soaring success in whatever you put your mind into.   

The attack of diabolic viruses COVID 19, has set the world in trauma. What wrong happened? What wrong we did? A turning point that set people to evaluate, intentions & deeds. 

The World is terrified of COVID19, the enemy is stealing lives and nowhere to see, for its not the virus but the stigma of it that is killing attacking mind of beings. 

When you have to live life with a diabolic Virus fighting is not the option that exhausts you down. The option is developing an immune system that pins it down forever. And for that one need not just a fit body, but a fit MIND & strong SoulMeditation is embracing silence, so the soul speaks, tranquillity teaches to be at peace. A peaceful mind rejoices equanimity, eventually thinks through taking the right decisions defeating panicking & depression. 

A peaceful mind enjoys the flow-the journey of life proposing wisdom and so a happy soul irrespective of the situation you are in. Happiness is infectious like Light. When you kindle light to light up your path, you light the path for others too. 

Happiness is a positive energy & powerful that heals. It’s a therapy that begins with self-healing and ends healing others. Embrace positive energy & so the Happy vibes. 

Meditation enhances the activity of the nervous system and stimulates the part of the brain that helps the pineal gland.

The pineal gland is known as the third eye of the human body, and if properly awaken or harnessed, it acts as a toran leading one to higher dimensions of consciousness, resulting in uplifting spirit, physical and mental health.

Awakening the third eye is a state of joyful awareness, a phase of meditative transformation, to understand and explore, the world around. which increases the ability to perceive in learning awareness.

It’s a misconception that meditation is yoga, meditation not necessarily involves yoga, but means to bring your mind-body-soul in alignment with the divine supreme so you listen to His voice – His guidance, which is always for the greater good.

Sitting calmly in nature or thoroughly involved in art or sport, that calms your thoughts so that one should be ready to listen to the whisper of wisdom IS MEDITATION.

A happy mind Heals and boots energy, concentration to do things more and in a better way. The energy from a healthy strong mind flows from inside to outside and so is the glow and glory which is not depended on an external source and is proposed from within you, your strong core which is in synchronisation with DIVINE. 

Inside the human mind, neuron hold chemicals which affect our mood and hence our attitude. These chemicals are also called happiness instigators. The chemicals that neurons produce are dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphins. As one bulb in the mind ignites, it instigates the chain reaction and so the revolution in the mind. 

Only if we can control this fractal formation of neurotransmitters, humans can be happier deriving the purpose as these chemicals impact/drive, motivation, performance and wellbeing.

Embracing Optimism many not get you the money tree, but with little understanding, you can have a happiness reciprocatory to the infinity that money cant buy. Happiness is infectious, even when one is in a sad state of mind. 

If your strick to a happy memory, that piece of memory is powerful enough to light the neurons in your mind imbuing positive vibes that finally help mood swing. Present time living under the diabolic threat of COVID when we are away for friends and loved one, whom we see as the cause of our happiness staying away from them with optimistic bits of Faith Hope & love help and protect fall in mental trauma. 

The Cosmos & The Soul has one ultimate Goal, Purposeful Creation. Your choice shall define you. 

Cause-effect pattern and so be mindful of what you choose. Eventually, your choice will cause the outcome to infinity. The ultimate purpose of the Univers is the creation that proposes life and meaning. Faith in the infinite positive vibes Heals.

One common thing that connects all is the perception of individuals that sees the differences embodied as similarities of difference, however, all have a common purpose and that is the creation.

Who would have thought some time ago, the science, spirituality, religion, philosophy and art may have many similarities. Happy Science, the radical transformation and advancement in science and technology has established evolving facts which were hidden earlier. 

Now the secret is no more a secret, courtesy COVID. You are awakened and yearn to live in harmony of your being and Universe to the fullest. So, nurture the strength of spirit, know yourself more, comprehend, correct and come back strong. Then you will have all the strength that you need to accomplish your worldly and bodily goals.