The Greek philosopher Plato believed that humans at the beginning of time had 4 arms, 4 legs two hearts, and two brains. They were intertwined and wandered the earth blissfully until Zeus another Greek God decided to split humans into two to feed their egos.

From then until now, every human being has been in search of their other half-called ‘soulmates’.

While this is just a Greek Myth, there is evidence of soulmates in every race that has inhabited this earth.

So, the human race isn’t meant to be alone. From the beginning of creation, we have all desired the need to deeply connect with that one person whom we call soulmate.

So, soulmates do exist but not in the ideal way we see in rom-coms and typical filmy style on the screen or in romantic novels.



To begin with soulmate need not be a spouse girlfriend or boyfriend but anyone who is connected with you more meaningfully in comparison to the others in your life.

To put it in simple words a soulmate is someone who you can effortlessly be with, it seems comfortable, easy to communicate, can be understood and you understand that person in return. They have greater and better conflict-solving abilities.

There is a main thing that does not exist between soulmates and that is the ‘ego’ Also a way to identify a soulmate. Where there is no ego there is space for greater love, understanding, and nurturing of each other.

The level of stress is very low with a soulmate. A stressful day is eased when you meet that person.

An uncomplicated person we meet who is ready to involve themselves wholeheartedly while at the same time accepting the opposite person’s involvement can be called  soulmates.

There is a one-sided soulmate too. You may consider the other person your soulmate because of the desire you feel after spending time and knowing the person but the other person withdraws after a brief time because of various reasons. It can be heartbreaking say many relationship experts but this person isn’t your soulmate.

Soulmates like the Greek philosophy are two humans who hold themselves accountable for each other.

Science may call it the basic human primal attraction that arises out of body odor, physical attributes, or sexual desire. Philosophy describes it as emotional bonding, senses connecting, and a deeper connection of souls.

Some ideologies believe that soulmates connect beyond this life, they were soulmates in their previous lives and will connect in their next life through reincarnation.



It is a very subject matter. Different people have different thoughts on this. There is no evidence or factual findings.

Some believe there is only one soulmate that you meet in your life, others believe that we meet multiple soulmates in this journey of life.

One thing is sure if you have realistic expectations of life you will find greater satisfaction and commitment.

One must not live in the fallacy that these qualities exist at all times. There will be moments and times that even your soulmate may not live up to these qualities we spoke of and you too may not live up to these in his/her life.

Dismissing someone as not your soulmate because of a few instances of miscommunication or times when the other did not understand you or respond in a manner you would have expected is an act of immaturity and unrealistic expectations.

The journey of soulmates is not heavenly or magical thought out. They face hardships, rejection, or discontentment in their relationship but aren’t willing to give up on each other.

The underlining or driving force of the concept of soulmates is “ NOT WILLING TO GIVE UP ON EACH OTHER”